You Can Take Charge of Your Health


As an associate you get a deeper discount on your products, and you are eligible to receive bonuses and commissions.  I wouldn't want you to become an associate unless and until you have used the products for a while and want to share them with others.  This is a networking company and the products are not sold in stores.  They can only be purchase from the company through an associate.  

There are two reasons to become an associate.  One is that if you purchase enough products for your family that the deeper discount would make it worth it to pay the associate fees.  The other is if you want to share the products through networking and make a little money for doing it.

Networking is sharing. It is something we all do all of the time. If you see a good movie, find a good restaurant, hear some good music that you really like, you are prone to tell others about it. That is what networking is, and it is a natural part of our human nature.  

If you become and associate then networking also becomes a business, but don't expect to get rich doing it.  Network marketing has been abused by many companies and programs looking primarily at money. Not that there is anything wrong with earning money, but the products should be more important. Many network marketing presentations go through all kinds of charts and graphs explaining how you can make bunches of money getting others to join you. Then, at the end there is something like, by the way, this is the product we are promoting. That is backwards.

We are more concerned with helping people achieve and maintain good health. We have an excellent product that will do just that for most people. The fact that you can earn money by sharing your experience is a side benefit. If you recommend a movie, restaurant or band, they are probably not going to compensate you for your efforts. This company will compensate you for sharing your experience.

As a customer, you may want to share your experience with others just because you want to help them to be healthier, happier people.  As an associate you can make a few bucks doing it.