You Can Take Charge of Your Health

Health Tips

Hippocrates said "Let your Food be your Medicine and Let you Medicine be your Food."

That's good advice but what does it really mean?  How do you know what foods to eat for them to be the medicine you need?  There are many books about nutrition that can be helpful.  There are nutritional consultants and even some doctors that have studied nutrition outside of their traditional medical training that can assist you.  But the best expert is you own intuition.  Of course you have to be open to understanding it and that may take some development.  

One way your intuition speaks to you about what nutrition you need is by giving you cravings for foods that contain the elements that you need.  We also have cravings for certain foods just because they taste good. You have to learn to distinguish where the cravings are coming from for them to be beneficial to your health.  If you have a craving for some dessert that you like that is probably not what your body needs.  If you get a craving for something like an apple or a banana or broccoli or cauliflower, that would probably be a message to listen to.

Another thing that is beneficial to your health, and may help develop your intuition, is to spend some time each day to just relax and go inside.  You may call it meditation or prayer or just relaxation, but the idea is to make a connection with your outer self and your inner self.  Your inner self is there to help and guide you when you make that connection.  It is well worth it, even if you have to get up earlier to spend some time with your inner self before you start your day in the outer world.

Another factor in maintaining your health is the words you use and the thoughts they generate.  You live in an atmosphere of your thoughts and words.  They have an effect on how you feel and your general health, and it can be a very subtle but powerful thing.

I heard a story once, whether it is true or not I can't say, but it makes the point of how powerful your words can be.  It goes like this:

An ambulance was called to a woman's house to take her to the hospital.  Her neighbor came out to see what was going on and she ask the EMT what was wrong with the woman.  The EMT said they didn't know, but she is having a high fever and we are not sure why.  The neighbor exclaim how ironic it was because the women had a phrase she used to express her discontent with anything she did not like.  She would say, "That burns me up!"  Hence the fever of unknown origin.

If you use phrases like "I'm sick and tired of ....." you just might find yourself getting sick and being tired.  It is worth your time and effort to monitor the words and phrases you use with this in mind.  You attract things to yourself by the words you use and the thoughts you hold in your mind.

Exercise is another important factor in maintaining good health.  Not only does it force toxins out of your cells and force circulation in you lymphatic system, but it also forces you to breathe more deeply.  If for some reason you are not able or willing to exercise you can control your breathing without much effort.  Taking a few deep breaths in through your nose and holding it in for a while can have a subtle but profound affect on your overall health even if you do not get sufficient exercise.

Nutrition may be the most important factor in staying in good health but your thoughts and words, and the attitude they cause are also important.  Exercise and deep breathing help too.  Every little bit can help.  If you add a few good things to your diet and subtract a few bad things it can get you pointed in the right direction.  It can even change your attitude.  Your attitude can also change your cravings thereby helping to change your diet.  Exercise and deep breathing can also change your attitude.  They all work together for your good if you apply them.

There is an exercise that you can do that is not exercise at all.  I call it the "unexercise."  It is a relaxation exercise where you go through your body, focusing for a moment on each part.  It is sort of like a relaxation meditation and it can be very beneficial.  Here is a link where you can listen online or download an mp3 that will guide you through the unexercise.  It is best to get into a comfortable position and use headphones.

The Unexercise.